Elementary School Program:
The Full Circle Elementary School Program fosters in children a love of learning and an enlivened curiosity about the world around them. Our program gives students the opportunity to set their own goals, study topics they are passionate about, gain leadership skills, and explore nature daily, while at the same time providing a solid foundation in the core areas of reading, writing, and math. We provide students with an excellent balance of freedom and structure to ensure that learning is both fun and successful.
Goal Work
Children begin each semester by choosing topics they are most interested in learning about in history, geography, science, and art. They spend time each morning conducting age appropriate research and hands on projects to learn about each of their goals in a fun and meaningful way. Each "big goal" culminates in a summary to showcase the student's academic learning and personal evaluation. Students also complete a number of "small goals" throughout the term, such as penmanship, chess, science observations and music.
Core Curriculum
Students learn math, reading, and writing in small groups. This provides the structure, the teacher guidance, and the space for engaging projects and hands-on activities to help the content come alive in meaningful ways.
Academic Standards
Full Circle administers a standardized test each year. Our students consistently perform well above the national average. Full Circle graduates excel in area middle schools - both public and private and are well prepared to succeed in a rigorous academic environment.
Peer Mentorship
Community is highly valued at Full Circle School and we cultivate a culture of being kind, considerate, and caring. Older students act as mentors for younger students by stepping into the role of Study Group Leaders and Study Buddies. Through this they learn and practice their leadership skills as well as become comfortable working with people of all ages.
Daily Schedule
Please Note: Full Circle School operates on a Monday - Thursday schedule plus special events on most First Fridays. There is an additional Friday Program available for families who need it.
8:45 Student Arrival and Morning Board Work
9:15 Morning Meeting
9:30 Independent Goal Time
11:00 Math Groups
11:45 Community Clean Up and Chores
12:00 Lunch and Read Aloud (Music on Wednesdays)
1:00 Outdoor Playtime
2:00 Reading/Writing Groups
3:45 Pick up